The Old Dr Bells Bath Wedding Photographer

Welcome to the blog! This is a brand new section of my website where I’ll be sharing the love stories of our couples, wedding planning resources & guides as well as behind the scenes so keep an eye out on the blog for new weekly content.

So onto today’s topic: a recent styled shoot we were involved in a few weeks ago…

Back in May 2021, as the UK government started making announcements about the ease of lockdown, the wedding industry started picking up, so did the plan on this beautiful styled shoot. Conifer events did an absolutely fantastic job putting everything together and inviting all the suppliers to make this day possible and I am honoured for being invited to this shoot!

For us, being based in Dundee, meant it was a rather early start of the day. It all began from the night before where we packed all the gear, got up at 6am to set off towards the capital - EDINBURGH! Having shot so many weddings in countryside venues, this was a rather different type of shoot with quite an urban feel. And we were beyond EXCITED! So without further ado, here are the moments…

Wedding pros


An Emotional Intimate Wedding at Tentsmuir Forest, Scotland


Cornhill Castle Wedding photographer | Hazel + Kieran